Friday, December 10, 2010

Hello hello hello, The Strike Out Creed

Welcome to my new blog " Strike Out With Harry Payne."

In this blog I will explore many topics has always puzzled me in the past.

An example is why people who oppose abortion have no trouble wishing the see people who are already living die, such as solders, indigents and criminals.

I will explore in depth why millionaires and billionaires who have more money that most retires have in their retirement plans feel their taxes are too high and they don't have enough.

I will also examine the real reason health care cost so much and offer some ideas to make it more affordable.

Along with the print articles I will have some videos from my you-tube channel showing my on and off online documentary show "Harry Payne Presents"  which serves as video evidence of many of my arguments.

So If you like reading blogs that ask questions that the mainstream press is afraid to ask and may be get Ideas on how to fix the problem, please feel free to continue reading and viewing.

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